T. S. Eliot and His ‘The Waste Land’
Spirituality, Barrenness, Fertility, Vanity, Vulgarisation, Faith etc.Abstract
T. S. Eliot was a conscious poet who had thought long and deep about the mysteries of his own art. He marks a complete break from the 19th-century tradition. He abandoned the loving theory that all art is principally an appearance of the artist’s character. His Waste Land (1922) is a most important poem. It is regarded a highly condensed epic of the modern age. The Waste Land is an interwar bring down to earth and depression set forward by wide-ranging sequences of descriptions constructed upon man’s bookish and civilizing history. The Waste Land is a city populated by those for whom current existence provides only a pile of broken images and “fear in a handful of dust” it is a civilization dying of spiritual thought
Daiches David: A Critical History of English Literature, Volume II, Supernova publishers, New Delhi, 2018.
Edward Albert: A History of English Literature: New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2004
Jyoti Prakash Sen: The Progress of T. S. Eliot as a poet and Critic: W.H. Patwardhan: Orient Longman Ltd. New Delhi,1971.
T.S. Eliot: The Waste Land and Other Poems: Faber and Faber Limited, Queen Squire, London, 1972.
W. H. Hudson: An Outline of English Literature: New Delhi: AITBS Publishers & Distributors, 2003.
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