Determination of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Ground Water at Hathras City in Spring Season
BOD, COD, Sanitation, Total Kjeldahl, Physico-Chemical etc.Abstract
The City of Hathras due to its thick population, unplanned constructions, unseemly habits and also being a big grain and subji mandi is reeling under the unhygienic conditions caused by the ambient pollution. The Pollution in the city further aggravated by the protracted influx of grain traders, farmers and commission agents who make the environment gravely morbid. Lack of proper drainage and sewerage systems have brought about traumatic conditions in the city. Waterborne diseases are menacing the city population. The elite class of the citizens and intellectuals simply grumble and condemn the ignormous attitude of the local administration. As such the author felt an imperative need for investigating physic-chemical pollution which is posing hazards to public health. The plan of the study comprehends physico-chemical investigation of groundwater at six important sectors of the city. The author feels that the present study and the work if published would certainly draw the attention of the administration and big wigs seated at the helm of affairs of this city famous for small scale industries such as carpet weaving, making asafetida, scissors and knives, toilet and laundry soaps, textiles industries and oil expellers.
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