Computing of Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Drinking Water Sources in Rainy Season at Unchahar, Raebarely (UP)
Unchahar is a subdivision of Raebarely District (situated Prayagraj and Lucknow Road 120 km from Pryagraj and well Known due toNational Thermal Power Corporation ,NTPC) .Thereis no proper sever system in the town andeffluents in summer are allowed to flow over the roads and streets, as the result dangering the ground water qualityof potable water .To determine the extent of ground water pollutionassessment ofphysico-chemicalcharacteristics ofdrinking water sources was done during summer.Eight sites Were named as Site-I- Vakdamihra , Site-II- Chote Purva, Site-III- MadarlGanj, Site-IV- Kathual, Site-V- ChawanKaPurwa, Site-VI- Narwapar, Site-VII- Hasanganj &Site-VIII-Viprahachosenfortheaim.Thelevelofthoseparametersandcontentswereevaluated
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